Interns are the most vital members of the CCRRP team. We have 2 to 4 month long student placements throughout the year and offer long term volunteering opportunities for recent graduates. As a proponent of citizen science and empowering the next generation, we regularly encourage our interns to propose and conduct their own research studies during their time with us.
Because of the highly specialized nature of coral reef research, all interns are required to have their Open Water Diver, Coral Reef Conservation, Fish Identification, Peal Fish Identification and Research Diver certifications. But you can take these courses with us prior to your placement if needed.

"Not only is the project itself amazing but its inspiring meeting so many other like minded people from other cultures and exchanging ideas & experiences with them. It's important to educate other coral reef gardeners who will spread & share their knowledge throughout the world."
— Ellen Sophia Albe